Summer is Over, Now Get To Work!
I hope that your summer was great and that you generated some quality vacation time around you. What I mean by this is that I hope you enjoyed great connections with your friends and family. It’s so valuable to stamp these connections and moments into your memory, and have stories that you and your family will talk about forever. I hope you had the chance to reconnect with friends that you had not heard from for a while, share a few laughs, and took the time to pursue your hobbies.
Most importantly, I hope that your three batteries – your Head, Body, and Soul – are well charged up, as vacation is the best time to “recharge” them! It’s during this time that most people re-align themselves, and that’s why it feels so good to be on vacation! You are balanced!

I personally had a great time with my family and friends. I took the time to jam with some great musician friends, and my wife and daughter. For me, the most amazing moments are always when I get to play music with my family and some great friends.
But with the end of summer comes a whole new challenge: getting back to work after being away for extended periods of time. What can we do to keep the balance between Head, Body and Soul when returning to work?
The first step is that we have to set being balanced as a personal goal for ourselves. After enjoying time off, too many people go back to their old habits and the alignment that was created during vacation will disappear as the workdays pile up. I believe that the contrast between our past experience at work and the great times we enjoyed on vacation creates a kind of trauma that we all experience when going back to work!
If you believe in balance and alignment, it has to be reflected in your agenda. That’s the second thing you should focus on when you return. Make sure to include your daily exercise routine in your schedule. Remember: the Body is the first to be aligned before the Head and Soul. Then, try to set a limit on your business hours during the week (for example, 45 hours) and don’t take on more work if you’ve reached that limit. It’s proven that productivity dramatically drops after working over 50 hours in a week.
Last, but certainly not least, you need to include your time with family and friends. To maintain the emotional balance you enjoyed during vacation, this time has to be become part of your agenda. Even though I can get very busy, I always plan some good music times with my friends and family during the weekends. This definitely keeps me balanced with my loved ones and has a positive impact on my work…
Balance is like everything else in business, if you have it as a goal, you will achieve it. The challenge is that we forget about it when the rubber hits the busy road! That’s why we constantly dream of going on vacation and enjoy them so much…
Stay balanced and have a great Fall everyone!
President PG Coaching Inc.