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Coaching IS MORE than just training, it’s the discovery of new abilities

My coaching programs are customized for company Presidents, Vice Presidents of Sales, Directors of Sales and Sales professionals who want to improve their sales performances. Each mandate has a specific goal in order to monitor the progress of the clients’ performance. My sessions are based on trust and adapted to their business environment and their personalities. My solutions are based on my clients’ profile and their daily life challenges. My unique approach builds my clients confidence to the point that they are willing to implement new behaviours, which generates a new energy to their business thus, will drive new sales results and profitability for the enterprise.
Here are the most popular topics :
  • Prospecting new customers

  • Increase opportunities to win more sales
  • Attract profitable customers
  • Close sales faster
  • Is YOUR time, a value or a commodity?
  • Creating a Sales team that will meeting their goals
  • Score cards that will help you forecast your results
  • Sales structure to meeting your corporate goals
During my mandate, I often see a $10,000 investment of fees creates between $20,000 to $30,000 in return of investment. It is said by HR authorities that only 5 to 8% of new skills will be implemented from a group training program. With my method of coaching, the implementation of chosen skills and behaviours will show results that speak for themselves.
To find out more about Coaching, please click here.
(514) 706-6662
Beaconsfield, Québec

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